RaceTab by MileSplit/FloSports Jay Antonio, Guam Central Athletic
2018 IIAAG Meet #2 - 4/13/2018
Guam High, Agana Heights, OS
Name Yr Team Mark Wind Pts
1 Narissa Blaz 12 John F Kennedy High 25.05m NWI 5
2 Alexandria Cruz 10 Okkodo High School 21.06m NWI 3
3 Gabrielle Kranz 10 Guam High School 21.05m NWI 1
4 Courtney Santos 10 Simon Sanchez High S 20.48m NWI
5 Angela Linder 11 Southern High School 19.76m NWI
6 Maria Guadalupe 9 Okkodo High School 19.69m NWI
7 Charlyn Espinosa 12 John F Kennedy High 19.36m NWI
8 Valerie Escalona 10 John F Kennedy High 18.92m NWI
9 Marshelly Borja 9 Okkodo High School 18.24m NWI
10 Keilanie Garcia 9 Simon Sanchez High S 18.21m NWI
11 Amber Guerrero 10 Guam High School 17.76m NWI
12 Kiana Yabut 11 Academy of Our Lady 17.42m NWI
13 Raisa Sinel 10 Southern High School 17.20m NWI
14 Zabrie Susuico 12 Guam High School 16.64m NWI
15 Rezelle Galang 9 Simon Sanchez High S 15.66m NWI
16 Caitlin Alcairo 9 Academy of Our Lady 13.95m NWI
17 Bailey Cruz 11 Southern High School 11.99m NWI
18 Chloe Poblete 10 George Washington Hi 11.44m NWI
19 Alyanna Barrera 9 George Washington Hi 10.13m NWI
High School Girls Team Scores (1 Events Scored)
Team Pts Spr Dst Hrd Rel Thr Jmp Oth
1 John F Kennedy High Schoo 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
2 Okkodo High School 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
3 Guam High School 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0